The End of U+2

The End of U+2

By: Sophie Emerson

The end of U+2 is here. House Bill 24-1007 was recently signed into law by Governor Jared Polis on Monday, April 15, 2024. This bill being signed changes how communities can restrict housing occupancy. Now cities are prohibited from creating or enforcing laws that limit the number of people allowed to live in a home purely based on their relationship with others. The bill will take effect starting July 1.

According to the article from the Coloradoan, “Proposed Colorado housing occupancy could void Fort Collins’ U+2 ordinance”, Fort Collins Mayor Jenny Arndt said, “The city estimate is 15,000 empty bedrooms, and we are also having an affordability and availability housing crisis.” Hopefully, the end of U+2 will mean more affordability for students. People in favor of the ending of U+2 stated that it could reduce stress on commuter roads, reduce emissions, and it could take pressure off building new construction, which could lead to urban sprawl. The Fort Collins City Council is set to take up the issue at a work session on May 14, and then a vote on a new housing ordinance on June 4.

Another article from the Coloradoan, “Colorado governor signs bill outlawing family-based roommate rules like Fort Collins’ U+2”, highlights an opposing view. One opposer to the bill was Senator Joann Ginal, who stated that she doubted it would reduce housing costs and that allowing more people to live in one home could lead to unsafe situations and more nuisance behaviors in neighborhoods.

With the potential benefits, there are problems that could arise from living with other people. To live with more people could lead to more roommate conflict and could lead to potentially cramped spaces. Housing rules could still come into play regarding health and safety standards and affordable housing program guidelines.

Putting the opinions about the signing of the new state bill aside, it is always smart to consider who you are living with and what situations may occur with more people. Hopefully it will help people with housing ordinances, especially students living in Fort Collins, to live more affordably and increase accessibility. Again, with any housing or roommate-related issues, feel free to stop by our office in room 281 of the Lory Student Center, call us at (970) 491-2248, or email us at
